For months, our daily lives have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. The surprisingly rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2, the devastating human toll on certain segments of the population, the unparalleled crippling economic shutdown, and the fears of a dramatic and even worse rebound are concerns that weigh heavily on each and every one of us. One of those segments being disproportionately hurt is communities of color. They have suffered more COVID cases and endured a greater share of the economic hardship than the rest of the population.
Now, that pain has been compounded by the startling and tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. This disturbing event, together with too many others occurring around our country, have sparked widespread protests over these new incidents of violence and racial injustice. The protests reflect the anger, anxiety, and grief the communities and our nation feel, and the inequities black and other diverse communities have and continue to face every day.
At Eco-Genesis Corporation, we take a stand for what is just and equitable for all people, particularly those of color here in Massachusetts and beyond. It is at moments like these that we as a people and a nation must do soul-searching to come up with real answers that allow us to move forward. Do we as a society tolerate an entire segment being subjected to racial injustice and cut off and left behind?
Now, more than ever, each of us must turn these events into a positive and strengthen our resolve to do more as individuals, as a firm, and in our communities. It starts with taking emotional ownership and personal responsibility for success. Involvement of federal, state, and local governments is essential to this process. Getting out to support and vote for candidates is fundamental to being an American citizen and is a way to back up peaceful protests with real change.
My part starts with me, and I commit to expanding our current efforts to make diversity, equity, and inclusion at the forefront of what we do on a daily basis. I hope you will join me in standing in solidarity with those fighting racism and injustice.

Myron Ritrosky, Jr., LSP, CIH
(Myron Ritrosky, Jr., LSP, CIH is the President and founder of Eco-Genesis Corporation. He is a practicing Licensed Site Professional (LSP) in Massachusetts as well as a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) licensed by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene in Comprehensive Practice. Myron has extensive experience performing all types of environmental testing and remediation and health and safety consulting in Massachusetts and New England. His experience and background with hazardous industrial sites qualifies him to be registered on the Materion Beryllium Consultant Network, a national listing of experienced beryllium consultants. He is an expert in the assessment and cleanup of settled dust and surface contamination, with experience on projects involving beryllium, fine silica, arsenic, lead, and mercury surface contamination. He is an expert in PCBs in building materials, including the screening, testing, and remediation of contaminated buildings. Myron has served on the PCB/TSCA Subcommittee of the Environmental Business Council of New England for the past nine years. He also has extensive experience in indoor air quality evaluations, mold investigations, and addressing situations involving the presence of microorganisms and biological contamination, including fungi, bacteria, and viruses. He currently serves on the American Industrial Hygiene Association’s Indoor Environmental Quality Committee, and participates in the Legionella Body of Knowledge (BoK) Project Team by providing stakeholder review and in the IEQC Cleaning & Disinfection Guidance Working Group by developing guidance to employers and custodial staff in non-healthcare settings. He is a Massachusetts licensed Asbestos Designer, Asbestos Inspector, and Asbestos Management Planner. He is a native of Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and a graduate of the University of New Hampshire in Durham.)