PCBs in Caulk

Before you start your next demolition or renovation project, make sure you have answered these 3 PCB Questions:

  1. Was your building built or renovated between 1940 and 1979?
  2. How risk-averse are you to PCB liability?
  3.  Do you know whether you should test and do you have a plan? 

If you do not have clear answers to all 3 PCB Questions, you should re-think your current

Eco-Genesis Corp. can help

Located in Pittsfield, MA, EGC has successfully completed projects where PCB analysis of caulk and other building materials was performed as well as projects where PCB analysis was not performed. Whether you test or not, you need a good plan in place.

We offer project experience and expertise to assist Facility Owners in developing project-specific PCB strategies that are protective, compliant, and keep money focused on construction improvements and their successful completion.

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